Added a second ASUS GPU GeForce GTX 1060 to my GPU Server, installed and up and running. As the motherboard is an ASUS ROG (Republic of Gamers) and as the first one is working pretty well I figured it couldn't hurt to add a duplicate (almost, see BIOS below). My other concern was if the Nvidia CUDA GPU driver could handle multiple types of GPU models easily (apparently it can), however it seems less risky (or rather a gut feeling based upon previous hardware experience) to stick with the 1060s. Plus those cards are in my price range.
I've previously tried to add a 2nd GPU but had trouble getting it working with the motherboard. It turns out my riser cards (the mini board that connects the GPU to the motherboard via USB 3.0 cable) weren't working correctly.
I purchased one one Amazon for $10. I works great and even better is that it has three different types of secondary power supply connections.
The first GPU remains plugged into the PCIEX16_1, the 2nd GPU into the PCIEX16_2.
Looking at the ROG BIOS, even though the cards are from the same company, they appear to be using different memory RAM chips. The older one from uses Samsung RAM. The new one uses Hynix.