Prelude to my focus on neural networks

Submitted by Xilodyne on Sat, 06/25/2016 - 11:24

I've been interested in Artificial Intelligence for sometime though never had much opportunity to engage in it due to work and family.  I had more of a layman's view of AI until recently.  I would think of AI as HAL from 2001 (1969) or IBM's Deep Blue vs Garry Kasparov  (1997) using brute force searches -- bound to happened eventually if you had enough hardware.  And then IBM's Watson 2011 Jeopardy game with language recognition.  Wow!  Now it is seems a week doesn't go by without some sort of AI break though.  Discussion in the press about robots taking our jobs,  AI taking over the world,

Back in the (Java coding) saddle again

Submitted by Xilodyne on Thu, 06/16/2016 - 22:26

Nokia 611020 years in IT and still going strong...  The first time I used Java was sometime in 1997.   Starting in 1996 at my first corporate IT job (thanks always to David Fraser), I was part of the development environment support team at AT&T Wireless (just formerly McCaw Cellular) and we were writing lots of tools to support our gigantic Axys Call Center CRM application 
