Java / Python Data Exchange with the Redis Memory Database

Submitted by Xilodyne on Fri, 03/27/2020 - 01:13

IP camera to Tensorflow data exchange

As the majority of my code base is in Java, integrating my Python machine learning algorithms can sometimes be a challenge.

For my Fido project (a home intrusion detection system based on my Intruder Net that generates a image a second from an IP camera and will alert me when an "intruder" appears in the image), I had the following requirements:

  • Be able to transfer an image from Java to Python (i.e., ability to send binary data)
  • Be able to transfer data from Python to Java
  • Image transfer and Python result need to occur in <1 second
  • File system should never be touched (for efficiency and speed everything should reside in memory)
  • Java and Python code bases should maintain independence
  • Java, Python, middleware should be able to communicate via TCP/IP (assuming memory / network data transfer is fast)
  • Message exchange should be simple

I was curious if a memory only database would work and have been very please with the Redis database.

Proof of Concept

My PoC code is include in the file below.

You will also need the latest release of the Redis database (redis-5.0.8.tar.gz).

This test code does the following, using Redis as the linking mechanism between my Java and Python code:

Code base Description Code
Java Converts image to byte array byte[] byteArrayImage = IOUtils.toByteArray(in);
Java Uses the Redis increment feature to update a counter for the image jedis.incr("counter");


Get the new counter number from Redis String count = jedis.get("counter");
Java Uses the Redis set feature to upload the byte array image with the ID of the counter (the image ID is prefixed with "img:") binJedis.set(("img:" + count).getBytes(), byteArrayImage);
Java Loop until Python has returned an answer "infer:" of the same counter ID pythonResponse = jedis.get("infer:" + count);
Python Loop until counter appears or is updated counter = r.get("counter")
Python Create the Redis key for image retrieval img_counter = "img:" + counter.decode("utf-8")
Python Retrieve the image byte array from Redis image = r.get(img_counter.encode())
Python For debug purposes, show the retrieved image show_image(image)
Python For PoC purposes, instead of using tensorflow to infer the image, generate a random code to send to Java infer_intruder = random.randint(0, 1)
Python Delete the image from Redis r.unlink(img_counter)
Python Send the infer result to Java (in this case either a 0 or a 1) (the infer ID is prefixed with "infer:") r.set("infer:" + counter.decode("utf-8"), infer_intruder)


My environment uses the following:

Java Environment

JDK 11

IDE: Eclipse 2019-09

Choose RedisPOC (Java Workspace) as your Eclipse Workspace

Be sure to load the libraries in the project lib folder

Python Environment

Python 3.7

IDE: PyCharm Community 2019.3

Install the redis library via pip or conda

Choose RedisPOC (python pycharm) as your project

Redis Install most recent release (redis-5.0.8.tar.gz)


Update the with the IP Address of the Redis database:

static String Redis_IPAdd = "";

Update the with the IP address of the Redis database:

redis_ip = ""

I made the following changes to the redis.conf (for debugging I enable Redis to save to the filesystem):

protected-mode yes
loglevel debug
save 900 1
save 300 10
save 60 10000
aof-rewrite-incremental-fsync yes
rdb-save-incremental-fsync yes*